
Argus Vision focuses primarily on results, only then on the equipment itself. And good results? You only obtain those by really knowing and understanding the (question and situation of the) customer. That is why we always work in the same personal, yet structured, way.

After the data has been captured, it is read and processed. If desired, we dive even deeper into the data. The end result? A clear and understandable product that always provides an answer to the customer’s question.

Discover how we can help you. Note that these are the applications that we have already run – but we will not limit ourselves to them. Is the application you need not listed here? Contact us – and we can discuss how we can help you.

  • Stockpiling


    Stockpiling is an important topic in many an industry. The data collected in this instance play a pivotal role in decision making, so the main concern is to ensure data are captured correctly. We send our drones and analysts to your site, to determine what material is present and in what volume.

  • 3D scanning

    3D scanning

    In case you would like a very accurate insight in the state of a building, 3D scanning with drones is a great option.

    Let’s go to the moment even before the actual building project takes off: by mapping out the dimensions of the site, the data will help you to, among others, investigate the differences in height and how level the surface of the grounds actually is.

    During the actual building process, of course 3D scanning can be a tremendous asset: the data will make it easier for you to monitor and inspect progress and as such to avoid possible issues.

  • Cut and fill

    Cut and fill

    Another great example of an industry in which data collection using drones becomes increasingly important, is the earthmoving industry, with drones capturing all data required of the grounds that are in scope. Next, our analysts work their magic, crunching those data and turning their findings into a clear presentation for our client. A sure way to facilitate and improve each process step, from estimations and planning all the way through to execution.

    When you partner with Argus Vision for your excavation works, we will gather all data required with our drones, in order to build an ultra-reliable simulation of what your project will entail.

  • Topography


    When a project involves vast plots of land and a large number of neighbouring plots, which is the case with road works or building projects in an urban environment, a topographic analysis using drones can be an extremely efficient way to collect both visual data (state of façades, doorsteps, fences…) and Geo data (with 3mm accuracy of neighbouring buildings). In just half a day our equipment allows you to scan several kilometres of road and environment. Such topographic analysis in many instances is required in public tenders, but even when not mandatory, such inventory is indeed useful to avoid any issues afterwards.

  • Insurance policies

    Insurance policies

    Drone collected data are especially welcome in the insurance industry. This type of data gathering and data processing allows for an exceptionally intricate risk analysis, can be a great tool to gauge preventive maintenance needs or even to assess damage after an accident or storm.

    In that respect, insurance companies reap the benefits of using drone data for precise and very detailed analyses, ensuring their estimations are significantly more realistic and positive for both parties involved in a claim.

  • Thermal imagery

    Thermal imagery

    When there is a need for thermal imagery of a large plot of land, we deploy our drones equipped with a thermal camera. These drones are able to take thermographic aerial photos of a site, domain and/or building. These images result in live data to pinpoint heat loss rates, improvement options and problematic areas.
  • Mapping flood zones

    Mapping flood zones

    Since 2017 drones have become increasingly popular to map land potentially threatened by floods as well as affected areas. This increases the quality of the flood risk map, assisting governing bodies with their respective decisions. The data and subsequent analysis we provide can help outweigh where construction can and cannot be allowed, where additional reservoirs might be needed or extra green buffers even, in order to avoid flooding.

  • Lux measurement

    Lux measurement

    Argus Vision specialises in professional lux measurements: with specific drones we measure light intensity and light distribution in domains and buildings. The client can that way decide on the best lighting options and how to avoid any issue stemming from shortage of light. Our clients are also able to comply with legal obligations and thresholds regarding light on a domain or in a building.



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